Is there such a thing as a GOOD/ POSITIVE ADDICTION?
Before exploring some of our addictions, I’d like to answer the question you might be asking yourself :
-Is there such a thing as a GOOD/POSITIVE addiction?
Technically, if we follow the official definition, (addiction is a biopsychosocial disorder characterized by repeated use of drugs, or repetitive engagement in a behavior such as gambling, despite HARM to self and others.), the answer is NO.
The most important word in this definition is HARM (to self and others).
Being addicted means being engaged in a pleasurable activity or behavior which is literally ruining our life, health, relationships... We can understand that but still STRUGGLE or FAIL TO CONTROL IT...
Isn’t it simply a matter of willpower?
Apparently, NO, it’s not that simple.
Why is that?
Thanks to the insights of neuroscience, today we know that like other mental disorders, addictions (behavioral or substance) fundamentally change our brains. Often PERMANENTLY!!!
Addiction is a very complex and controversial topic.
So, what we usually call “GOOD or POSITIVE (behavioral) ADDICTIONS” are actually GOOD HABITS. There’s no harm or loss of self control here. For some people it’s more about developing mastery, sharpening their skills, developing their abilities (exercise or work).
Interestingly, some of our so called “good addictions” can still be something we do to relieve our inner pain, release our anger and frustration, relieve our stress and anxiety, consciously or even unconsciously overcompensate for something (indulging in excess in one area of our lives in order to hide insecurities about other aspects of our lives).
At what point behaviors or habits become ADDICTIONS?
It's still the subject of considerable debate among medical experts.
Even if experts may still have more to learn about addictions, when, how and why they happen, what we know for sure today, ADDICTION is treatable!